Van Costs Could Rise, Report Warns

Picture of Martin Smith

Martin Smith

Pegasus Couriers Managing Director

79% of van fleet operators expect service and maintenance costs to increase, while 71% anticipate higher insurance premiums.

As businesses continue to rely heavily on van fleets for various operations, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that the costs associated with maintaining and running these fleets are on the rise. Don’t miss out on valuable insights from Pegasus Couriers director Martin Smith as he discusses the mounting expenses that fleet owners face across the UK.

UK Van Fleet Price Could Rise

Van fleets could see costs rise further as the wheels of progress continue to turn, as indicated by the recent Arval Mobility Observatory survey.

Rather than passively accepting the inevitability of rising costs, van fleet operators are taking proactive measures and effectively managing these financial burdens. 

The survey reveals that most operators anticipate increases in various cost components such as service and maintenance expenses, insurance premiums, vehicle lease rates, electric vehicle charging rates, tyre costs, and petrol and diesel prices.

79% of van fleet operators expect service and maintenance costs to increase, while 71% anticipate higher insurance premiums. 

In addition, 67% predict a rise in vehicle lease rates, 63% foresee an increase in EV charging rates and tyre costs, and 61% expect petrol and diesel prices to soar. We, however, can already see van cost increases in the lease and rental sectors – which are also trying to mitigate these rises. 

But we face not just financial burdens; there’s also a shortage of qualified drivers gripping our operations. This scarcity has far-reaching consequences, impacting delivery services and the thriving e-commerce landscape

As consumers demand faster deliveries and more convenience, we are caught in a whirlwind of challenges – making it vital to embrace innovative solutions and think outside the box. 

As businesses continue to rely heavily on van fleets for various operations, it's becoming increasingly apparent that the costs associated with maintaining and running these fleets are on the rise.

Lease Prices Soar - Still

The steep price hikes are mainly due to the aftermath of Covid and the ongoing global semi-conductors shortage. This has resulted in considerable backlogs in vehicle production, resulting in hefty lease and hire costs.

Last year the British Vehicle Leasing and Rental Association (BVRLA) head said the lack of production was restricting industry business growth, and he was correct. In our business alone, we have seen a massive hike in rental costs by various providers.

Factors Contributing to Increased Costs

Factors such as rising fuel prices and increased maintenance expenses contribute to the rising costs of running a van fleet. In today’s competitive market, it is crucial to understand the elements impacting the bottom line. 

Insurance premiums, especially if you have experienced accidents or claims, can significantly contribute to increased costs. Vehicle depreciation can also eat away at profits, making it essential to consider the resale value of your vans. 

Government regulations surrounding emissions and safety requirements further increase expenses for van fleets. Technological advancements in recruitment systems and fuel efficiency also offer potential cost-saving opportunities, but with the driver shortage – costs remain high.

Fuel Prices and Costs

With rising fuel prices, van fleet operators may experience increased expenses. The economic impact of higher fuel costs can be substantial, as it directly affects the bottom line of these companies. 

 Closely monitoring global oil prices and implementing strategic measures can help van fleets navigate this volatile market. To mitigate this challenge, van fleet operators might consider implementing alternatives such as electric or hybrid vehicles. These, however, also come with major setbacks, such as short battery life, lack of charging points and high initial outlay costs. In a previous article, I covered the issues around EV’s and the transport industry. 

Maintenance and Repair Expenses

It’s important to take preventive measures that can minimise breakdowns. Regular inspections, timely servicing, and proactive replacement of worn-out parts are all effective ways to reduce the frequency and severity of breakdowns. Another option is outsourcing maintenance, which can leverage specialised expertise and use economies of scale to lower expenses.
Technology integration is also crucial in fleet management. Advanced monitoring systems allow for real-time diagnostics and predictive maintenance, helping companies identify potential issues before they become costly repairs or cause vehicle downtime. By adopting these innovative solutions, companies can stay ahead of maintenance problems and avoid unnecessary expenses.
At Pegasus Couriers, delivery drivers complete weekly and daily inspections on their vans. We also have an internal network platform that allows drivers to report issues immediately.
In addition to preventive measures and technology integration, cost optimisation strategies can reduce maintenance expenses.

Mitigating Cost with Innovation

As the costs associated with van fleets continue to rise, businesses must adapt and find innovative ways to manage these expenses. 

Technology advancements are one aspect that has played a significant role in mitigating challenges. Fleet optimisation softwarefor instance, has enabled companies to streamline operations and maximise efficiency. 

By utilising real-time data analytics, businesses can make informed decisions regarding route planning and load optimisation, minimising costs and maximising productivity.

By proactively addressing these challenges, businesses can ensure the sustainability and profitability of their van fleets in the long run.

In future articles, I will also look at the delivery driver shortage and how that impacts courier services and delivery. 

Interested? Contact Us Today

We are always looking for new delivery drivers. If you are considering becoming a delivery driver, contact us for assistance. It costs you nothing and we might even be able to offer you work!

At Pegasus Couriers, we help new delivery drivers get on the road to success and delivering parcels. Last year, we assisted more than 400 newcomers to the industry – contact us today for more information.

Keeping you informed of local news at Pegasus Couriers. 


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